Instagram’s limitation of allowing only one clickable link in the bio has been a significant point of frustration for many users. This restriction can hinder your ability to promote multiple web pages, products, or social media accounts simultaneously. Here’s a deeper look at why Instagram enforces this limitation and what you can do to work around it.

Reasons for Limiting to One Link

1. User Experience: Instagram aims to provide a clean and streamlined user experience. Allowing multiple links in bios could clutter profiles and potentially overwhelm users with too many options.

2. Preventing Spam: Limiting the number of links helps to reduce spam and malicious activity. Multiple links could be exploited by spammers to direct users to harmful sites or misleading content.

3. Encouraging Use of Platform Features: Instagram prefers users to utilize its built-in features like Stories, IGTV, and Shopping. These features keep users within the app, enhancing engagement and allowing Instagram to better track user behavior and interactions.

4. Monetization Strategy: Instagram’s business model benefits from keeping users on the platform. By limiting external links, they encourage businesses to invest in Instagram ads, which can include clickable links, to drive traffic off-platform.

Workarounds to Add Multiple Links

Despite this limitation, there are several effective strategies and tools you can use to promote multiple links from your Instagram bio:

1. Link Aggregator Services: These services allow you to create a single landing page with multiple links, which you can then link to in your Instagram bio. Popular options include:

  • NAURL: One of the most widely used tools, allowing you to create a page with multiple links.
  • Shorby: Offers customizable landing pages with multiple links.
  • Lnk.Bio: A simple tool to create a landing page with multiple links.

2. Custom Landing Pages: Create a landing page on your website specifically designed to host multiple links. This page can include links to various sections of your website, other social media profiles, or any other important content. Update your Instagram bio link to point to this landing page.

3. Use Instagram Stories: Instagram Stories allows you to add links if you have a verified account or more than 10,000 followers. You can direct followers to swipe up to visit a specific link. Additionally, you can use the Highlights feature to keep these story links accessible on your profile.

4. IGTV and Instagram Shopping: For business accounts, using IGTV and Instagram Shopping features can provide additional avenues to share links. IGTV descriptions can include clickable links, and Instagram Shopping allows you to tag products directly in your posts.

5. Rotating the Bio Link: Regularly update the single link in your bio to reflect your most current or most important content. While this doesn’t allow multiple links at once, it ensures your most relevant link is always available.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using NAURL (as an example)

  1. Sign Up for NAURL:
  2. Create Your NAURL Page:
    • Once signed up, log in to your NAURL account.
    • Click “Add New Link” to add the URLs you want to share. You can customize the title for each link.
  3. Customize Your NAURL Page:
    • Choose a theme or customize the appearance of your NAURL page to match your branding.
  4. Copy Your NAURL URL:
  5. Add NAURL to Your Instagram Bio:
    • Open Instagram and go to your profile.
    • Tap “Edit Profile” and paste your NAURL URL into the “Website” field.
    • Save the changes.
  6. Promote Your NAURL:
    • Let your followers know they can find multiple important links by visiting the link in your bio.


While Instagram’s policy of allowing only one clickable link in the bio may seem restrictive, there are effective ways to work around this limitation. Utilizing link aggregator services, creating custom landing pages, and leveraging Instagram’s own features can help you direct your followers to multiple destinations. By creatively managing your bio link, you can still achieve your promotional and engagement goals on the platform.

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